The number of Corona victims in the UK has risen to 1.1 million, while a second lockdown has been imposed in the country, requiring people to stay indoors, while restaurants, cafes and non-essential items shops will remain closed. It has been decided to kill 17 million mongoose when corona cases come to light in the form of mongoose. In Greece, it has been decided to lock down for 3 weeks which will be applicable from Saturday. Restrictions have also been tightened in Norway and People have been instructed not to leave their homes …
LONDON: The global epidemic of corona virus has killed 492 people and infected 25,177 in the UK in 24 hours. This is the highest death toll from Corona in a single day since May, according to a foreign news agency. According to the report, the national lockdown will be implemented in the UK from 12 noon tonight to December 2. It should be noted that the global epidemic Corona virus has affected 47.844 million 811 people in the world and 1,220,224 deaths have occurred. The number of healthy people from Corona has risen to 34,352,711…
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