Apple has introduced its new tablets. Apple has introduced the iPad Air with a new design. In this small screen bezel tablet, Apple has added USB-C port instead of lighting. The display of this tablet is 10.9 inch liquid retina. , With a resolution of 2360 × 1640 pixels. In this tablet, Touch ID is integrated in the power button on the top. Apple has used its new A14 Bionic chip set in it. This chip set is built on 5 Nm process. This is the first chip set in the industry based on 5 nm process. This chip set has 6 core CPU with two …
Apple has announced the prices of iPhone 12 accessories, including the new 'Mag Safe Do Charger' and 'Leather Case'. The new iPhone charger is priced at 12 129, or Rs 20,530, which can charge the iPhone as well as the Apple Watch at the same time. According to the company, with the 12 129 charger for the iPhone you will not get a power brick (adapter), consumers will have to buy a 20 watt USBBC power brick separately for 19 19. On the other hand, the price of the charger has been announced by the company, but the co…
Apple is preparing to build its own search engine as an alternative to Google. Apple pays Google 10 10 billion to 12 billion each year to keep Apple's devices as the main search engine. According to the report, Apple's agreement with Google is about to expire and it will not be extended due to the anti-trust case of the US Department of Justice against Google, while Apple is already working to distance itself from Google. The company's Apple Boot first appeared in 2014 and gradually reached the web, while on the home s…
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