Apple is preparing to build its own search engine as an alternative to Google.
 Apple pays Google 10 10 billion to 12 billion each year to keep Apple's devices as the main search engine.
According to the report, Apple's agreement with Google is about to expire and it will not be extended due to the anti-trust case of the US Department of Justice against Google, while Apple is already working to distance itself from Google.
The company's Apple Boot first appeared in 2014 and gradually reached the web, while on the home screen of iOS 14, Apple completely bypassed Google by linking websites directly.
Apple hired John Giannandera, head of Google's Artificial Intelligence division, three years ago, who is now Apple's senior vice president of machine learning and AI Street.
It is too early to say what Google's alternative search engine will look like at the moment. But it is clear that the partnership between Apple and Google will end soon.