ISLAMABAD: Hackers have attacked WhatsApp, the most popular social media messenger app in Pakistan. Hackers send code to users and then the person's account is hacked. According to reports, hackers who hacked WhatsApp have adopted a new method this time, attempts are being made to hack WhatsApp accounts. For this, the hackers send a message to the users on WhatsApp from one number, in which it is said that the 6 digit SMS code has been sent to your number by mistake. Hackers ask the user to return the code written on this SMS…
WhatsApp management has introduced a new facility to transfer money through phone app in India. This mini service of WhatsApp is available in more than 10 local languages of India. The National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) is a partner in this money transfer service, while the services of Unified Payment Interface (UPI) have also been procured for the money service. The service provides transactions with more than 160 banks. To transfer money from this app you will need a debit card which supports UPI, with the help of whi…
The largest mobile application used for messaging has announced the introduction of a feature to automatically delete old messages. The Facebook-owned company has announced for WhatsApp users that they will no longer have to worry about deleting messages as messages, videos and photos will be automatically deleted after 7 days. WhatsApp also released a video on the social networking site announcing the introduction of the feature. Note that WhatsApp users did not have the facility to delete old messages automatically, but now they…
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