The mother of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and former Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif has passed away. According to the family, Begum Shamim Akhtar was ill for a long time. PML-N spokesperson Ataullah Tarar announced the death of Begum Shamim Akhtar on social networking site Twitter. Begum Shamim Akhtar was staying in London for treatment. It should be noted that former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is present in London, while the younger son of the late Shamim Akhtar Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif is in jail. Maryam Na…
LAHORE: National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Lahore has filed a reference against Shahbaz Sharif's daughter Rabia Imran and son-in-law Imran Yousaf. NAB Lahore has filed a reference in the Accountability Court Lahore against Shahbaz Sharif's daughter Rabia Imran, son-in-law Imran Ali Yousaf, his company and former CEO Wasim Ajmal. Rabia Imran and her husband are accused of causing crores of rupees to the national exchequer. The reference filed by NAB said that Imran Ali, Rabia Imran and others caused a loss of more than Rs …
LAHORE: The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has released details of the crores of rupees collected in the company of an employee of the Shahbaz Sharif family. According to NAB documents, remittances of Rs. According to NAB documents, MPAs, housing society owners and businessmen deposited money in the Sharif family's anonymous company's account. According to NAB documents, MPA Saif-ul-Muluk Khokhar donated Rs 7.5 million, Arshad Javed Rs 10 million and Nawabzada Tahir-ul-Mulk Rs 15 million, which were deposited in anony…
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